December 21, 2015

Water and Life: Acquatic Ecosystems

As a source of life, water sustains an immense variety of life around and within it on Earth. 

Water based ecosystems are called aquatic ecosystems.

Saltwater and freshwater support entirely different ecosystems. There are multiple types of acquatic ecosystems on Earth.

Marine Ecosystems present in 71% of Earth's salwater i.e. oceans and sea.

Colorful underwater landscape of a coral reef example of marine ecosystem

Freshwater Ecosystems which have different variations depending on the type, flow and presence of water in the ground.

River Ecosystems in flowing rivers and water bodies.

River ecosystem salmon fish crossing in a river

Lake Ecosystems in lakes, ponds and other contained water bodies.

Lake ecosystem

Wetlands created by seasonal or permanent saturation of water in and around the ground.
Wetland ecosystem

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