December 28, 2015

Coral Reefs

Coral reefs are rocky formations created in marine areas by living organisms such as polyps and algae through the secretion and deposition of limestone over stony corals.

Coral reefs are built and grow over centuries into large and diverse coral reef ecosystems creating a complex habitat of aquatic plants, corals, fish and other marine species. They are sometimes referred to as "rainforests" of the sea.

Coral reefs can be found all over the world, although a majority of them exist in tropical zones.

Corals fringing the coast are a common sight but barrier reefs are largest and most impressive are of them. Barrier reefs are like large, continuous mountain ranges, separated from land by lagoons.

Australia's 2,000 km long Great Barrier Reef is visible from outer space
Image courtesy NASA/GSFC/LaRC/JPL, MISR Team

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