January 02, 2016

Easter Islands - The Bluest Water on Earth

While all water is blue, there are varying shades of it as covered in this post on the colour of the sea.

But there are spots on earth which boast of crystal clear, blue pristine waters.

And the deepest shade of blue is considered to be found at a spot in the Pacific Ocean, a few hundred metres off the remote Easter Islands in the Southern Pacific. This deep blue shade is attributed to the absence of chlorophyll and plankton in this area. The underwater visibility extends to hundreds of feet making this location a favourite spot for divers.

Ahu Tongariki view - Rano Raraku moai - statues - Easter Island - Rapa Nui - Isla de Pascua
Flickr Photo by David Berkowitz Easter Island - Rapa Nui

Motu Nui Easter Island
Flickr Photo By: Nicolas de Camaret Motu Nui Easter Island


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